Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Random Stupid Campaign Idea

So I was having my usual midnight brainbarf random though session and came up with an idea for a game campaign.

The concept revolves around friggin' tooth fairies.  The characters are freshly sparkled dentition feys.  Whether or not they are actual fairies spliced into d20 modern (or equivalent) or we come up with Borrowers-style antics are irrelevant.  The campaign would be more-or-less mission-based, with two primary variants.

The first one would be nabbing kid's teeth and exchanging them for the usual reward.  Random ninja-like antics would ensue, making stealth and/or pickpocket checks so you can make the snatch with waking the kids or the parents.  More sociopathic (read: most) players would probable come up with crazy-ass schemes involving pliers and keeping the dough.   Curbing such tendencies is optional, but child abuse should be met with the usual GM bullshit against freaks anyway.

The second variant would be the various horrible schemes to get the damn quarters to begin with.  Relatively pedestrian stuff like raiding soda machines to holding up rest stops, maybe culminating in a climactic Death Star run on an armored car at Six Flags.

The endgame would involve revealing why we need all the teeth:  The Dread Lord Bunny of Esternia is about to return, and his only weakness is stuff voluntarily removed from a child's skull for monetary gain.  Preferably lauched at high velocity from a 12-gauge.  Failure would mean the fairy people must toil for eternity mining for mineral eggs.  One internet for guessing where I stole this part of the concept from.

All sorts of looney shit could be tossed in, like factions of tooth fairies competing for the most teeth.  Wackjob mad dentists capturing characters for demented purposes like Cthulu-esque rituals to invoke the Dread Lord Bunny.  Some asshole seeing through the masquerade and dissolving random schmucks to make pixie sticks.  Horrible, horrible Tinker Bell-themed nightclubs. 

Anyway, this is what was percolating in my head tonight. 

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