Saturday, August 23, 2014

Invisible TOGs Rule The Base

Today I learned that you can ram people in World of Tanks and go undetected.  Pretty sure it was a glitch, but either way I know that someone out there on the webernets wound up with a severe case of OMGWTFBBQ syndrome.  Oh, and the 10.5mm German death cannon is still really great at making enemy tanks disappear in a puff of awesome.

In more Skyrim news, Legate Wulfe the Unhinged is still tearing about, making the forces of badness wish for their mamas.  Many Falmer have had close encounters with Tard Basher, my new custom Dwarven Mace of Energizing.  I've also acquired Nightingale equipment, and those weapons are really great at trolling things that annoy me.  The bow in particular is really great at killing dragons and allowing me to be all Shang Tsung of the Vikings. 

I'm currently planning to finally getting back to Dawnguard, smacking vampires and quoting Castlevania.  I'm really looking forward to the Divine Orbital Strike known as Auriel's Bow, combining that with Dawnbreaker to mow through the most undead seen this side of Plants Vs. Zombies.  Oh, and battle trolls.  I really need to see that in action.  "Bleh I'm all bloodsucky and emo!"  KRUMP!  "Blarg I'm a battle yeti, U Mad Bro?"


  1. Possoble td the squig, yea or nay?

  2. I did it again. The Tog ll on Malinovka night, I became the invisible aqua Tog. Trundled all the way across the map undetected to kill 3 tanks and cap the base. Got invader and one of the special medals.
