Friday, August 22, 2014

Ahab, Eat Your Heart Out

Things are coming around in their usual schizophrenic manner, but nicely for once. 

Been tearing about like a lunatic in World of Tanks some more.  The TOGII*  is still a frickin' hilarious bundle of death.  A buddy and I tore about and actually outmaneuvered people in these things, unleashing all sorts of lulzy doom.  Some highlights:

Actually managing to snipe British AT tanks and making them go boom.
Sidescraping a StuG III up against a wall, leaving it a sitting duck for our guns.
Letting some lights circle us and pretend it was going to work and being all "lol no" and making them go pop.

Also tried out the M7 tonight, realizing that there are very good reasons this thing never saw any action at all.  Damn thing just doesn't have what it takes.  Plus it has a badonkadonk.  Tanks should not have badonkadonks, dammit!

More randomness is forthcoming; too tired to write much right now.

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