Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Age of the Dragon

Holy crap.

I finally buckled down and decided to unleash the Harvest on Dragon Age: Origins, and I've found something pretty special.  First off, it is by and large the hardest RPG I've handled in a very long time, presenting a level of danger and challenge rivaling even some of the old-school nastiness I've encountered way back when.  It is no exaggeration that this game has already handed me more TPKs--in two days--than any other RPG I've played since I returned to the controller, and possibly any RPG I've played ever.  Things might get a bit less one-sided later on, but so far it has been a tale of desperate victories (or getting ganked) with lots of casualties and frantic potion-chugging. 

It's also pretty awesome so far, with all sorts of things to do and stuff to plunder.  I can't say I've played a game with multiple currency values (copper, silver, and gold) and actually requiring containers for crafting potions and poisons.  And your decisions have weight, beyond even relationship values, allowing your choices to make a discernible difference on outcomes.  They're not just cosmetic or cutscene differences either; what you do and who you decide to aid (or not) can put you down some very different roads, and while they all lead to the same final battle, the aftermath can and will be quite different.  The obvious 'good' choice may well not be the best choice, with the game's emphasis on themes of determination, pragmatism, and plain ruthlessness. 

There's just this whole air of actually stepping up and becoming a badass, and showing you the circumstances and consequences without being preachy or satire.  There's a stark bluntness about the whole affair, but it doesn't detract from the positive sides of heroism, idealism, and standing against evil.  It's good to know that even in grimdark games, there can still be heroes.

Oh, and you get a dog.  Granted, it's a big tough mastiff that can fight bears and abominations and demons and stuff, but for you and (most of) your companions, he's just a big puppy and acts like it.  It's hilarious.


  1. Can't tell if April Fools or serious? I certainly like Dragon Age: Origins.

    Three mages and pwn like a ballin' Tevinter. Add a Qunari for flavor. Serve until drunk on power.

    1. Unlimited powah! This wasn't a joke, just timed that way.
