Sunday, April 30, 2017

Brightest Star in The Sky

Well, after a bit of dithering, I went ahead and shelved Dragon Age: Origins for a bit.  It's almost funny, how it demands that you play for something like half a day to accomplish anything.  It's not particularly difficult, especially after adapting to the game's quirks and almost old-school challenge level, just very time-consuming now; it has gone to the point where I have to put it down until I have some more dedicated free time for it.

I knuckled down a bit and put Tales of Vesperia in for a second playthrough.  It's amazing just one set of New Game Plus bonuses can do for a Tales series game; I managed to retain everybody's skills and artes (Tales-speak for spells and special moves), and enabled a boost to item drop rates.  Those two alone have given me the needed boost to actually go forth and unleash the Harvest that this game needed really badly.  Add the fact that most dungeons are fairly short and we have a recipe for all sorts of JRPG goodness.

The story is still a bit on the meh side (especially for a Tales game), but the characters and setting help to make up a great deal.  There's lots of little sidequests and mini-events floating around here (the official guide covers maybe a third to just short of half of them, a shame after the Abyss guide) that help flesh the world out and keep you interested. 

The crafting is still fun and rewarding, and thanks to the aforementioned drop boost things are getting even better.  Anything that cuts down on forced farming is a definite plus.  I haven't managed anything game-breaking yet, but I never found much of a reason to do so yet. 

Oh, and Repede is still the best dog in video games so far, though DA:O's Dog is a close second.

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