Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Marooned On A Dead Planet

Buried alive, buried alive...

So Tales of Graces f is going along splendidly, actually.  The Tales version of New Game Plus can be a real boon, since you can enable some things to give you a leg up right out of the gate, especially the Herb Bonus (you keep the bonus stats gained by using special herbs) and keeping the titles from your previous playthrough (enabling special attacks very early compared to a first time run , plus TONS of bonus stats).  It isn't quite the brokenness of the Chrono Series NG+, but it works out rather well, since there's still plenty of challenge ahead.

I've finally worked out the battle system well enough to know what I'm doing.  It only took something like 50-60 hours of game-time.  But the pure undiluted badass that this game can deliver is something to behold.  Have you seen the crazy, glowy attacks of doom that most RPGs deliver one after another?  Well, Tales has a tradition of having them fire off simultaneously, creating a symphony of flashy monster-mulching, and Graces f is still one of the best to behold.

Oh, and it introduces you to the theoretical wonders of Indiscriminate Planetary Smackdown Machines.  I have no idea what they are, but I want one.  The Harvest never rests!

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