Friday, May 13, 2016

Unleash the Doom!

Things are still going pretty well with Rogue Galaxy.  The moves have gotten a bit more ridicu-awesome; I've managed to unlock a 'spell' that summons a bunch of space helicopter to unleash laser death upon the forces of evil.  The move itself isn't all that impressive graphics-wise or in terms of damage (at least not now), but the idea of an ex-soldier (who may or not be a deserter) that spent the last ten years in a bottle on a mining planet somehow having the resources to call in organized, precision gunship strikes jumps right past "incongruously dumb" to "holy crap this is awesome, EAT LAZORS!"

The factory system is also kinda fun, but it's just too finicky for me to get completely behind.  The developers were probably trying to convey the difficulties in real-life assembly processes, as well as making sure we earn our extra toys.  To be fair, at least so far I've only made minor screw-ups, without losing any materials to failed attempts.  Watching the factory actually do things to materials is also fun to watch.  Oh well, perfection is not a thing that exists on this earth anyway.

I've actually found some emotional moments; ironically enough, the biggest one so far was a tear-jerking bit involving the backstory behind a dungeon boss, which came right after an episode of a recurring mother-and-daughter melodrama (they're looking for daddy and the galaxy is all mean and lots of crying and it's-so-damn-sad-why-don't-you-give-them-a-hug "BLURG MAKE IT STOP DAMMIT").  No, I can't stand those two, why do you ask?  It's still good to know that Level-5 can do tragedy and angst right.

Overall, the experience is quite enjoyable, and far from over.  We'll see what craziness is in store.  The Harvest Never Rests.

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