Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Arbiter of Fate

Well, after a bit of gamer's angst, I went ahead broke Kingdoms of Amalur:  Reckoning back out.  I mostly did so because, well, it was time to have a reckoning with Reckoning.  You wouldn't believe how utterly pissed I was when that damn event flag bug decided to manifest.  The time has come for the Harvest to come and shove some Tuatha into blender and see if they go whirr.

I had forgotten just how stupid fun the combat system can be.  Tearing through the mooks with all sorts of crazy tools of doom is still awesome so far, especially since I had the good fortune to get some chakrams early.  It's still like a kickass meld of God of War and Tron; you get to toss around homing frisbees of whirling death, plus they come in elemental flavors as standard, so pick your favorite of ice, lighting, and fire and let the fun begin.

I've also forgotten how bland a lot of the characters are, especially the generic townsfolk wandering around.  There are some bright spots, though, especially this schmuck you bump into, wandering in circles and sounding like Andy Serkis just had a bad experience with scotch bonnets and decided write an emo metal song to get his mind off things.  Turns out he's a wolf that got changed into a man by some local freaks, and now he's upset because he can't catch and eat chickens and is forced to wear pants.  It's hilarious.  He gives you a quest to go kill the aforementioned freaks, and bring him magical well water so he can turn back into a wolf and raid henhouses.  So much for otherkin.

In any case, things seem to be going along pretty well, and hopefully I'll have the chance to unleash the doom upon the baddos without having to deal with another game-breaking bug.  The Harvest never rests!

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