Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rated G for Gnome Golf

Which is the only way to play golf properly.  You take a gnome, make a mace out of their own fate, and shoot for the moon!

Kingdoms of Amalur:  Reckoning is still going quite well this time around.  I've managed to branch out a bit and do some more sidequests here and there.  I've decided that the cliché elfy forests of Darentarth (the starting area) are just more fun to be around than the Plains of Erathell or dry desert Deteyre.  Somehow, it's just more fun to look and tear around in.  The other places have their merits, and it's wonderful to have a game that is both this big and with such a variety of terrain.

I managed to complete the Motus Mining sidequest chain , which resulted in a pretty nice house to hang out and craft goodies in.  But the real draw is now I own my own little mine.  It's not much, objectively; really just a small dungeon that you can loot, upgrade a bit and loot again, and provides a small but steady cash income, but just the idea is a pretty fun.

I've come to an unfortunate conclusion, however:  cities in Amalur are populated by jerks.  There are some decent people there to be sure, but I keep walking in to a city to handle adventuring business and wanting the hell back out really quickly.  I was kind of hoping that since this a second playthrough and like ten freakin' games ago now I'd get a different perspective.  I was wrong.  The countryside is full of monsters, bandits, bears and other assorted nasties, but the villages seem to be full of much more pleasant people.

I've also discovered Frost Traps.  They're effectively little ice mines that you can lay out and catch baddos with explosions of frigid death.  A bit of strategy and use of the Harpoon ability means that you can now be Scorpion and Sub-Zero at the same time.  Toasty!

The Harvest Never Rests!

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