Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Another Day, Another Dragon

Well, it finally happened; Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is finally beaten.  It took a far bit of effort this go-around, but at least it didn't have that nasty event flag bug happen all over again.  I did encounter a few others, from the harmless (characters tend to load in standing and healthy, then kneel or flop over and start writhing like actors finding a mark), to the infuriating (a fair few broken sidequests -- more than the previous playthrough) to the unexpectedly badass (clipping and ragdoll physics left me buried in a pile of Jottun I just smashed).

Overall, there isn't a whole to be said for Amalur that didn't get said on the last campaign.  The final areas are actually fairly fun and great to look at.  There were lots of cool crystalline formations and freaky blue plants to gawk at.  It was distinct, and actually across as pretty alien.  It was marred a bit by having dungeons that came across as palette swaps except for part of the very final one.  I'll give it a pass for that anyway, since the game's dungeons actually have a good bit of visual variety anyway.

The final boss fight was...okay.  Somebody at the developer's office must have played Dragon's Dogma, since the (SPOILER WARNINGS) final boss shows up, squashed the main villain like a bitch, and then goes on about how it brought you back and fate and yadda yadda.  The cinematics and last bit of storyline are pretty fun, but the battle itself was somewhat underwhelming especially since you're fighting a bigass demon dragon that slurp the fate out of you.

In the end, Kingdoms of Amalur:  Reckoning  rates as a pretty damn fun game, and well worth the attention of the RPG enthusiast.  It's not perfect, and it's a damn shame that sequels of any kind are extremely unlikely (yay corporate shenanigans), but it's plenty of fun, has it's own distinct world and underlying mythos, and its pretty badass (dual wielding bat'leths, Tron Frisbees of Doom, getting to be Scorpion and Sub-Zero at the same time, oh and ripping fate out of baddies and smiting them with it 300-style).

We shall see what come next, but for now the Harvest Has Triumphed!

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