Sunday, July 17, 2016

For The World Is Hollow

And I have smote some Heartless.

I've been dealing with even crazier stuff than normal IRL, but I'm managing to get some time into Kingdom Hearts.  I'm finally nearing the endgame, and hopefully this one can be put to bed before my next big campaign can go into full swing.  I'm still deciding on whether to go ahead and figure out the roadblock I encountered in Atelier Iris:  Eternal Mana, but as it stands right now I'm not going to waste perfectly good-off time on it.

In any case, KH is still loads of fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing how deep this rabbit hole actually goes.  I've finally gotten to some of the more fun/amusing/inexplicably badass monsters and boss fights take place.  One of my favorite mooks is the Battleship, a mini-airship fused with a pirate Heartless that tears around and lobs destruction all over the place,  Another is the Drake, a little Heartless Bahamut-lookalike.  It's not all that challenging (at least for now) but it's fun to fight.

I'm currently in Hollow Bastion, one of the more eldritch locations I've been in my vidya adventures.  It's dark and creepy, and somehow the whole weirdness factor is amplified by how light and airy a lot of it can be.  It's hard to describe; I fully expected this whole dark, dank, gothic-looking place, with lots of rubble and undead-analogues and baroque scenery everywhere.  There's plenty of that to be had, but there's all this outside sky-and-clouds stuff to be had.  It's got to be a deliberate design decision, and it's thematically appropriate with the whole juxtaposition of light and darkness that KH espouses.

I'm still kicking myself a little over not giving this series a fair chance back in the day, but at least I'm making up for lost time.  The Harvest never rests!

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