Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ducks Make Hilarious Wizards

Seriously, watching Donald Duck wig out and then unleash arcane fury is a necessary gaming experience.

I'm about roughly halfway through Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, and it's been a pretty fun ride thus far.  I do have some fairly minor gripes.  The most annoying one is traditional 3-D platforming camera screw; it's not the worst but it can be a pain.  The other big one is just how small all the worlds you visit are.  There's a lot of variety to be had, and we do have is great, with a good deal of little details here and there to help flesh things out.  Everything just feels so hemmed in.

But other that all that (and -urgh- Gummi levels) it had been an absolute blast.  The combat is fun and pretty fluid.  Square was decidedly strutting their stuff here, and it shows.  There's little signs here and there that this game has a pedigree including the kickass three-character combat of SNES-era Seiken Densetsu games, along with all the delicious kookiness Final Fantasy has brought us over the years.  Toss in all the best parts of Disney's own brand of craziness (and the pedigree of quality Disney licensed games were known for back in the day) and voila, something that should have been a circus car trainwreck in the middle of an extra-baked Pink Floyd concert wound up just...well, special and actually pretty awesome. 

I can see why this game elicited such a large and passionate fanbase, and can very much relate; it's a damn shame I skipped this jewel when it got released the first time (didn't have any excuses either, wound up with a copy from a buddy and wound up piffling it away for something or another).

Oh, and you can friggin' summon the Genie from Aladdin.  That's the awesomesauce right there.

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