Monday, December 21, 2015

The Force Is Meh With This One

The Force has awakened, but like most of its fans, really could use some caffeine.

I'll try not to include spoilers except the following major ones:  there's plenty of flashy death, badass military hardware, and Threepio has been marked as the evil he is with a red arm.

It's not terrible, or even bad, honestly.  The effects and acting is actually pretty well done.  There is a fair bit of awkwardness here and there, but nothings that actually detracts from the movie.  I will say there is a certain scene that makes all the "I am your father" jokes funny on a whole new level.

But its not particularly great either, to be sure.  It felt like a fairly rehashed collection of plot elements, mixed with a bit of serial escalation.  Yes, that thing on the poster is what it looks like, by the way.

Ooh, the hardware.  Somebody figured out that people like custom paint jobs and evolving the vehicles as time goes on.  There's probably a lot of griping about how everything looks like an Apple product, but its a lot more toned down compared to a certain pair of abominations that stand as insults to Trekkie-kind.  It's all very flashy and awesome, but it doesn't try to overwhelm you with everything and fry your eyeballs.  The weapons are awesome without being anime-level ludicrous.  Iconic stuff like the X-Wings and TIEs have been updated and redone without looking completely unfamiliar.  It's all like a big level up, but still very much Star Wars.

I won't go into the characters and story, since its all very spoiler-y right now.  Possibly a few months down the road, once the fanbois have stopped spontaneously combusting.  In the meantime we will return to our regularly unscheduled ramblings.

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