Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Always Wish To Catch A Fish

Well, things are cooking along pretty well on Final Fantasy VI.  I managed to get all the way through the Floating Continent without a whole of trouble (except for 'level acclimation' yay RPGs).  I even managed to wreck Atma Weapon's face on the first go-around pretty handily.  Though I came hilariously close to getting ganked by some mooks immediately afterwards.  Imagine the Harvest coming to such an ignominious end.  Things would have flung and then burned.

I've done some things I've wanted to do for some time; a decade or even more.  I've managed to pull off a handy victory over the dreaded Intangir.  For the uninitiated, Intangir is especially nasty pseudo-megaboss, found in an out-of-the-way area as a random encounter.  It starts off invisible (and therefore immune to physicals) and absorbs all elements (so no skills or magic either), has ridiculous heath and moves that completely crispify your dudes if you don't know what your doing.  And it only spawns in the first half, with all the really good moves and gear still locked out.  On the plus side, invisible enemies can be hit by magic of any type, and it is not immune to Stop.  Cast one Stop, then go to town whaling on the smug freak. 

I've also managed to complete the little fishing minigame successfully and save Cid.  It's much easier in the original SNES version, since the RNG is much more likely to give you the speedy little 'yummy fish' (that's what the game itself calls them).  I have reason to believe that the GBA was tweaked with a much more stingy RNG, likely since the bad ending of the minigame is much more dramatic overall.  Frankly, I'll take yummy fish over depressing melodrama any day.

And now I'm in the World of Ruin.  Everything's been wrecked, but now I can get the awesome stuff.  The lemons of life have been given, and soon that clown will face the beatdowns.  The Harvest Never Rests!

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