Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Symphonic Harvest

Wow, that title sounds totally metal actually.

Anyway, I've been tearing my way through Tales of Symphonia in fits and spurts.  I am happy to report that this game follows (though establishes and codifies might be a better term) the glorious Tales tradition of giving you the feeling of being a walking arsenal of badass flashy moves right out of the gate.  It can be quite refreshing sometimes.

The story so far is the same-old save the world formula, but this is Tales, so we know it's a obfuscating veneer, with just enough hints of plot subversion to let you know that the cozy, rosy quest is on the off-ramp to Crazytown.  And that guy is totally his father.  Duh.   Things are probably about to break loose. 

The puzzles are a bit of fresh air, too.  It's been a while since I've seen a block puzzle that expects you beat the crap out of the blocks before you can...do block things with them.  And zapping mooks to complete a circuit is pretty amusing, too.  These are very early dungeons, so who knows what sort of insanity is in store?  Bats that turn into shuriken to fling at exploding barrels that set off a chain reaction to move pillars around or something.  That actually sounds fun, need to remember that.

It's time to move on, and hopefully I'll have something a bit more substantive to natter on about soon.  The Harvest Never Rests!

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