Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Weee, I'm On An Adventure

Well, this stuff is interesting.

We start off by doing the usual RPG cliches, doing favors for the locals, and kissing Mom goodbye to hit the wild blue yonder.  More cliche-ness with a ghost ship that's really a front for a not-kraken.

And I'm loving every minute of it.

What is this?  Nostalgia?  Just a needed break from all the big grimness and darkened doom that your modern RPG has these days?  Shiny New Game Syndrome?  I can blame the latter for the Shining Force EXA fiasco; a month and a half down the drain before I realized it was a blend of all the bad parts of Diablo with all the bad parts of JRPGs.  Ugh.

The Aztec Death Star cannon is still awesome, though.  Stabbin' freaks and then calling down LAZORS OF DOOM upon the unworthy is a fine way to continue the Harvest.

In any case, the Grandia campaign seems to be well in hand.  The battle system is actually fairly fun.  Instead the usual stand-place-then-smack-monsters most turn-based games have has been modified to account for position and a bit of CPU-controlled tearing around.  It play much more dynamically, and gives you a bit more depth.  Getting stat boosts for using weapons and magic on top of traditional leveling is also a plus.  Oh, and this game has a explosion element.  Therefore granting three extra awesome points as a bonus.
Time for chunky style!

Well, the IRL grind in unfortuantely calling, so I must go.  Nevertheless, the Harvest Never Rests!

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