Monday, July 20, 2015

Rated A for Angst

HaHA!  You still have not been rid of me!

I've been busily unleashing the harvest in Tales of Legendia.  It's given me the chance to scratch that JRPG itch I've had going since I wound up with a HaloBox (of course, for me its more of a BorderlandsBox).  The ride thus far has been pretty fun, though admittedly I can't seem to binge on it like I used to.  Maybe I'm growing up.

Nah.  It's probably just too much caffeine.  Which is crap, since coffee for me is like dakka for orks.  NEVAH ENUFF!!!

This game has brought out my bad habit of screaming advice at the screen, however.  Then somebody gets dope slapped, and I am appeased.  "Grow a synapse, dammit!!"  *bonk*  "Thank you, Will!"  If that has actually happened in Star Ocean 4, preferably to that blasted fluffbrain Sarah, I would have loved that game a lot more.  It took Space Elf Robocop to redeem that character line-up, I can tell you.

Anyway, what is with Japanese games and angst?  I know life isn't all sunshine and rainbows and ponies.  Well, maybe it is if you're a pony.  But they seem to just love piling on the emo, I swear.  At least I know that everybody will be mostly well-adjusted or dead by the time the game is over.  Unless your name is Cloud.  Damn Advent Children taking a perfectly good badass away from character growth and keeping him an emotional cripple in perpetuity.  What we need for that is authentic Bulgarian Miak.  Great for trolls.

Well it's time to go back to wrecking monster faces!  The harvest begins anew!

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