Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Swag Train Has No Brakes!


You know, for a game with a final boss that looks like a gay Balrog, Diablo 3 is the shiznit when it comes to handing out the shinies.   Gearbox had better have its shit together when I finally can cough up for Pre-Sequel.

Been tearing about on my rare weekend off.  I had a birthday, and now I'm a score and a dozen,  Next year we'll break out the good stuff and the dozen will be baked.  I celebrated by devouring large quantities of spicy chips and flinging hammers at monstrosities.  The Zakarum faith was originally sponsored by Craftsman or something (or originally Sigmarites from another dimension), I swear.

In other news, Homestar Runner is back in business, and things seem to be doing well.  Now all we need in an announcemnt that Games Workshop is rolling back its prices and we could have the nerd trifecta.  Well, another one.  There's always Dachshunds-Panzers-Bratwurst.

And why the hell are all my friends cat-people?!  Friggin' heretics.  Don't get me wrong.  I like cats.  They taste good in sweet and sour.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Task Force Aflac

Blarg and Hail to the Spambots that "read" my yammerings.

The French tank line for World of Tanks is now out.  The consensus that they look so much like ducks that Wargaming really should hire Gilbert Godfrey to do the voice messages.  Prick or not, it really fits.

I've decided that I do like the new Ops system they got going, however.  Getting little goodies for actually playing the game helps keeps things fresh.  MOAR BITZ PLZ!

I've also been tearing about, working on some kooky concepts.  Some of the highlights include catapults that lob rocket powered grizzy bears at things I don't like, and a old wonko idea my old boss had, basically a home improvement store run by barbarians.  Crazy shit like orientation for new hires is that death mill scene from the first Conan movie, forklifts are powered by Brahma bulls.  Maybe some other stuff like instead of the usual DYI demos, you get things like the plumbing people showing the best way to kill stuff with an iron pipe, the lumber guys showing how to make an instant wood fort of doom, and hardware uses drills as trophy pikes.  Watch them heads spin!  Oh and instead of being tossed out, problem customers are ritually flung into a pit filled with angry Pomeranians.  Very slow, fuzzy, and yappy demise.

Yeah, I need to go away for now.