Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bloodbath & Beyond

Well, put quite simply, I decided I needed a break from all the JRPG nuttiness that I've been tearing my way through for a couple of weeks or so.  I started going through the PS3 edition of Tales of Symphonia, but I couldn't build up enough steam to actually go through my usual RamPaGe.

After a bit of dithering, I put in my old, banged up copy of Borderlands 2 again.  It's funny; this is the only FPS I've ever really gotten obsessed over, which considering its pretty much FPS:  The RPG, says a lot.

There's still plenty of shoot-and-loot awesomeness to be had.  The baddies are still full of hilarity and sociopathy, like if they grabbed a pack of deranged forum-goers and dumped them on a planet with a multiple metric craptonnes of guns and ammo and functional immortality.  It's one of those games you just have to experience, even without being a fan of any of the contributing genres and themes of the game.  You literally can spend hours tearing around shooting Mad Max extras with a gun that shoots acid lasers (!) while they scream about meat bicycles and demanding their hitpoints back at the top of their lungs. 

Ever wanted to play a game that has Ork Shoota guns?  Welcome to the Torgue family, boys and girls!  Want to get angry sharkfaced shotguns that shoot fire?  Bandits can give you one!  Burst-fire grenade launchers?  Dahl has you covered!  Elemental weapons that make the Covenant plasma family look like pea-shooters?   Welcome to deadly elegance of Maliwan!  Guns that get more accurate as you fire?  Hyperion, baby!  Old-school elephant guns capable of one-shotting the biggest monstrosity?  Come on down and get you a Jakobs!  Guns that turn into grenades?  Tediore has a deal for you!  More dakka?  Vladof!  Vladof!  VLADOF!

And this is in the vanilla game. DLC gives you stuff like fighting a giant metal T-Rex on wheels, sniper rifles that rain elemental doom like flowers of death, throwing down with a giant snowman to a metal cover of Carol of The Bells, and guns that fire exploding swords!

Yeah, I'm a fan.

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