Sunday, January 11, 2015

That's Treasure Hunter!

Hail to the Spambots!

Did a fair bit of shooting and looting today.  The World of Tanks highlight is when I was driving one of my VKs.  Everybody else charged up the left side, I took the right and did some sentry work to cover the arty.   After helping to lay waste to the Hetzers that came into my zone of control, I snuck off and around the map.  Blasted one arty piece, then some...person on my team decided it would be fun to block me from getting into the base cap.  After a whole three seconds, I gave up and just sniped the last arty, and won the game.  I repeat, I was being shoved around by some retard, and still managed to stick my gun over him and win the fucking game.  Got Reaper out of the deal too.

I wonder if they even figured out what happened.

In other news, I've been doing a fair bit of old-school rampaging and pillaging in Final Fantasy VI.  I do have my issues with the Game Boy version, mostly that some luminous soul decided that this is the one version that didn't need an official Strategy Guide.  ALL of the previous versions got one, along with every other FF released on the Game Boy Advance (I, II, IV, V, FFT Advance).  I have decided that all is now forgiven.  Some other, far more luminous soul decided to include alternate input commands for Blitz moves.  For the uninitiated, Blitz commands require input commands much like fighting games, with the best ones requiring circle motions.  I'm very bad at this, and the teeny d-pad on the GBA doesn't help at all.  These alternate inputs require directional tapping instead, which makes by life much easier, and the pixellated forces of badness are now in deeper shit than ever.  >:D

Set phasers to burninate!

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