Monday, December 23, 2013

Holiday Greetings to the Spambots!

Things are going back to what passes for normal around here.  Currently, I'm tearing through Borderlands 2 and getting my hands on all the nifty loot.  So far I've had the good fortune to acquire a third Volcano (it should have been the fourth, but tragedy struck last night, story later this post), three Slayer of Terramorphus mods, a nice Flakker, and--DUN DUN DUN--my first Conference Call!

As should surprise no one, this game is at its best with at least two people.  I'm commenting on simply because I was soloing for most of the last eight or so months.  It is fun, but not nearly the fun it can be with friends.  I'm not sold on the matchmaking system.  FPS trolls plus RPG trolls equals Xbox on fire.  I prefer my Xbox unburnt, thank you.

Some notes I've made:

Unless you're running a Gunzerker or with a Gunzerker using a Hoarder class mod, friggin run at least four types of guns and get as many SDU ammo upgrades as possible.  Almost all of the best guns chew through ammo like crazy.

Torgue shotguns are close to broken, especially the Three Way and Ravager variants.  Because of the way explosive rounds work, these guns true damage output is at least 150% the value on the item care, with this number increasing radically when critical hits are scores, and increased again when accounting for any bonuses to gun and grenade damage, and yet again from any bonus to explosive damage.

Be on the lookout for splatguns, the E-tech version of shotguns.  These are more of a grab bag that other E-techs, but there is some nasty potential there.  The shot acts as a splashy grenade, with higher-level guns typically getting increased range and the ability to have bouncing projectiles.  With practice, you can actually wind up with a gun that acts as a mid to long range mortar.  This is especially useful against large groups of mooks at standoff range when you're trying to hang on to rockets and grenades for upcoming nasties.

And finally, whoever decided that the bigger robot enemies are immune to DoT effects needs to be slapped.  I'm looking at you, Saturn.

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