Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Early FAQ = WTF

Yikes, GameFAQs can be such a mess.

I've decided to throttle down on Dragon Age Inquisition for a while.  I'm at the point where I'm pretty much steamrolling the main questline, and and (spoilers) I lose a party member after the final boss, and I want to do some DLC with them around, and even becoming the Lord of The Harvest has lost it's charm for a while.  Don't get me wrong, the game is still very good, but I've done too many binge sessions for the moment.

To get a break, I broke out Seiken Densetsu 3 AKA the missing World of Mana game.  It is definitely a jewel in the Square RPG lineup, and (as the internet has stated ad naseum) its a damn shame that the game didn't get a proper localization.

Anyway, it's actually a very challenging game, and has some old-school obtuse elements on top.  So I looked through GameFAQs stuff, and I stumbled on what really felt like a TXT rip of a forum topic disguised as an FAQ.  The damn thing really just lost track right before the meat of the whole thing got started.

Is it just me, or does it seem like the older, nerdier games get crappier FAQs and/or general discussions?  Just because a game is obscure doesn't mean the info you're collecting, collating, and publishing needs to be covered in ASCII art and interspersed with (albeit pretty well-behaved) arguments and random comments from fan fora and emails.  You wind up with people getting fed and up and not reading your FAQ, and you do want this thing to be read, right?  You went to all this trouble to help people play and enjoy a game you like, right?  You want people to think that you care enough about the subject to keep things organized, right?  If you're gonna go for nerdier than thou, do it right damn it!  

Have a dedicated section for things like "WebDude24601 sent me this" and "RPGeekLEEThaxxors and I had a discussion about when not to unleash the magics of doom."  Preferably near the end, especially if you couldn't be arsed to set up tags and codes for a browser's Find function.  Make sure that you properly attribute stuff, but dumping in a whole paragraph because SephirothxApplejackOTP emailed you about how his party "rocks" before you actually start the walkthrough is frickin' tacky, OK?

Going away, now, getting a little too far on my nerd rage-o-meter.

Seriously, it irks me that I can find intelligent, organized, well-written FAQs for Call Of Duty, but heaven forbid I can find the two facts I need for a piece of old-school Square craftsmanship.