Saturday, April 19, 2014

HMS Tank

Hail the Spambots!

Been a crazy month.  Now I'm busy with all sorts of fun explodey goodness, plus it looks as if my hardware job is now permanent.

In nerdy news, I have been tearing about in World of Tanks for the 360!  I've already made some fellow tankers fear the guy that's rampaging about screaming random quotes and making the other team go squish.

World of Tanks is a fun game, with just the right combination of tanks, cash, tanks, grinding for guns, tanks, proving your dominance over noob bitches, and tanks.  And they have tanks too.  Protip:  The Alecto (light British Tank Destroyer) is meant to shoot tanks to death, no ram them.  Whoever that was, thanks for the entertainment for me and the free kill for my teammate.

I've been grinding my way through the American and British lines, and honestly, some of these things are beasts.  Whoever stuck a howitzer on a Stuart is friggin' crazy awesome.  Not to be outdone is the British TOG II*.  It's a tank-boat that drives like a whale, looks like a whale, and hits like a whale.  I wanna paint mine white.  Beware Moby Tank!

Now to find my plushie and tear about some more.  The Sharp demands tanks and cake!